· Abrasion resistance: The resistance to abrasive wear.
· Acid Resistant: Resistance to the action of acids.
· Aging: Exposing materials to an environment for a period of time.
· Butyl: Synthetic rubber exhibiting very low permeability to gases. Copolymer of isobutylene and isoprene.
· Durometer: An instrument for calculating the hardness of vulcanized rubber.
· Elasticity: The property to return to its original shape after deformation.
· Elastomer: A term used to describe elastic polymers having rubber-like behavior.
· Elongation: Extension which is produced by a tensile stress.
· Expanded Rubber: Cellular rubber made from a solid rubber compound and having closed cells.
· Extrusion: The process under which pressure is forced through the opening of a die in order to obtain a desired cross sectional shape.
· Hardness (durometer): It is a property of rubber stocks which is difficult to define except by considering the methods used to determine it.
· Heat resistance: The ability of rubber to retain its properties even under the destructive influence of heat.
· Hypalon: A synthetic rubber that is completely resistant to ozone attack under the most extreme conditions and also possesses excellent color stability including the action of acids, bases, and many other chemicals.
· Low temperature flexibility: This is the temperature at which the rubber becomes too stiff to function in its usual manner.
· Natural Rubber: Rubber obtained from latex of the rubber tree.
· Neoprene: A polymer of chloroprene and is prepared from coal, salt and limestone. Neoprene is a synthetic rubber used in weather-resistant products, adhesives, shoe soles, sportswear, paints, and rocket fuels.
· Nitrile rubber: A copolymer of butadiene and acrylinitrile.
· Oxidation resistance: The ability of rubber to withstand the reaction of atmospheric oxygen.
· Oil Resistant: Ability of a vulcanized rubber to withstand the swelling and deteriorating effects of various type of oils.
· Plasticisers: Liquids which are used to soften rubber.
· Polymer: It is a general term used to describe all rubbers and plastics.
· Resilience: Capability of a material to return to its original size and shape even after after deformation.
· Rubber: A material that displays elastic properties that allow recovery from large deformations quickly and forcibly.
· SBR: Styrene Butadiene Rubber. Copolymer of Butadiene. An all-purpose type synthetic similar to natural rubber.
· Silicone rubber: A type of synthetic rubber containing silicone.
· Synthetic rubber: Man-made rubber
· Temperature Range: It is the range in which it shows the lowest temperature at which rubber remains flexible and the highest temperature at which it will function.
· Tensile strength: The tensile strength of a rubber compound is the resistance of the rubber to rupture under tension.
· Vulcanization: An process in which a rubber compound through a change in its chemical structure becomes less plastic and more resistant to swelling by organic liquids and elastic properties are conferred, improved, or extended over a wider range of temperature.
We cater to the wholesale supply of rubber products.
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